
🔥 Fortnightly fiery fiction,
poetry & artwork in your inbox

Campfire is the digital serialised offshoot of Firewords that drops regular bite-size content into your inbox for £5 p/m. Each piece will be accompanied by the ‘usual’ amazing, unique and colourful illustrations that jump out of your email - the perfect platform to showcase upcoming literary talent.

Enter your email above and join 2,800+ others…


Enter your email above and join 2,800+ others… 🔥


New here? Firewords is the magazine of fiery fiction & poetry brought to life with visual flair. Campfire is our digital serialised offshoot that drops regular bite-size content into your inbox.

A couple of times a year, we’ll compile all the stories and poems we’ve featured in Campfire into a full digital (and sometimes print) edition that will be for sale along with our previously published magazines.

Free subscribers:

  • Receive our occasional newsletter with news and updates of when we open for submissions

  • Plus a story now and then to give a taster of what’s going on in Campfire

Paid subscribers (£5 per month):

  • Fortnightly Campfire email featuring stories, poems and illustrations

  • Special rate of £50 p/a available at sign up

  • Access the archive of all previous Campfire pieces

  • 50% discount on the full digital issues when they’re available

  • 10% discount on previously published print editions

  • Comment on the stories and join discussions

  • Are you a writer too? Paid subscribers can submit their work for consideration outside of our regular submission rounds (coming soon!)