S02E06: Creepy & Unnerving - Dan’s Pick
Sleep Warbler, by Simon Lowe, is Dan’s Issue 11 pick. Here, he explains how it explores the theme of Power in a disturbing, yet entertaining, way.
Firewords Podcast
The creative writing podcast of fiery fiction & poetry
Sleep Warbler, by Simon Lowe, is Dan’s Issue 11 pick. Here, he explains how it explores the theme of Power in a disturbing, yet entertaining, way.
Jen picks a memorable piece from Issue 11. Little Jacques and the Bad Man, by Audrey Kalman, has stayed with her since she first read it during the submission round. Here, she discusses why.
We take a look at writing that could easily have been included in Firewords but which, for many reasons outwith the writer’s control, we have had to reject.
Linked to our previous article, Know What An Editor Wants Without Stalking Them, this episode will help you to target your work most effectively - and save you time in the process.
Here, we take a look at continuing problems with the misuse of fragments. Check out the accompanying article at firewords.co.uk/fragments
An introduction to the new season of our podcasts, which will all come in short, five minute chunks.
While we're taking a break from recording new podcast episodes, here's a story from Issue 10…
Curiosity, CO
Author: Beth Lincoln
Read by: Daniel Ehrenworth
Artwork by: Berat Pekmezci
From Firewords Issue 8: firewords.co.uk/ten
Writing is only a tiny part of the battle – editing is where the true magic happens, but it can be hard to maintain the motivation to keep refining once the first draft is done. In today’s episode we discuss this process and why it can be such a challenge. We also share our way of editing in the hopes that some of the tips may help you.
It's been a little while since we had a new episode of the podcast because we've been busy getting Issue 10 finished. To bridge the gap between episodes we thought it'd be fun to share the audiobook recording of a story from a previous issue. We'll be back with a real episode soon, so sit back and enjoy the story...
The Wasp and the Willow
Author: Carolyne Topdjian
Read by: Cory Miller
Artwork by: Wenting Li
From Firewords Issue 8: firewords.co.uk/eight
One of the biggest struggles for writers these days is actually finding the time to write. We're all leading busier lives with more distractions than ever, so how is it even possible to find the right balance? In this episode, we tackle this topic in detail and discuss why writing guilt can be one of the toughest things to deal with.
This episode is a little different because we answer some listener questions. We received some great #AskAnEditor questions and had fun trying our best to answer them. What do we wish submitters would stop doing? Would we recommend starting your own literary magazine? What themes do we receive too often in submissions? How can writers improve their confidence? And why do we ask that awkward question in our submission form? Find out the answer to all these and more!
It's submission time at Firewords (until 29th March!), which seems like a good time to share some tips for submitting to us and other publications. Jen shares her 3-step submission strategy that ensures she sends her writing out regularly.
In this episode, we explore the idea of perspectives in writing and how they can make or break a story. We also have some excellent examples for you from Firewords 9!
The first podcast of 2018 focuses on poetry and how we believe you can get a true emotional reaction from your reader. We don’t take an analytical look at poetic techniques, but rather step back to consider how writing should be approached in the first place. This is an area in which there are no clear cut answers. The main thing to take away is, prepare to fail. (What a lighthearted way to start the year!)
In this end-of-year wrap up episode, we look back at what we achieved in 2017 and what we’ve got planned for the future. We also talk about Issue 9 of the magazine, which is about to be released! Finally we discuss the NaNoWriMo challenge that took place in November and talk about how short story writers can benefit from taking part.
Today's episode was inspired by a problem we've noticed in a few submissions. It's also something Jen is struggling with in her own writing: Overwriting.
This topic is one we've written about before, but we’re discussing it again as it’s an important one. Do you ever struggle with overwriting? Is less usually more? Share your thoughts and join the discussion.
We're back. We're married. And we're excited to be podcasting again.
As we head into another submission round, we thought it would be a good time to discuss them on the podcast, so today's episode is all about those final touches before you hit send.
Whether you get accepted or not is largely down to luck and submitting to the right place at the right time, but what can you do to have the best shot of being published? This episode touches on some things you should and shouldn’t do before sending your work out into the big wide world.
We’re taking a break from podcasting for the whole of August and this mini update episode explains why (spoiler: one week until the wedding!) We also touch on a problem that a lot of writers experience – feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes you need to prioritise certain things in your life and you should never beat yourself up for that.
In this week’s podcast, I keep the topic a surprise from Jen and put her on the spot about what’s holding her back from putting her work out there more.
Here are some of the reasons we touch on in this episode. Maybe you can relate to some of them?
If any of this sounds familiar, you should probably listen to this episode! We’d love to hear your thoughts and, if we missed a reason that’s holding you back, comment below and let us know.
Writing can be a very solitary activity and a lot of writers would prefer to keep it that way, but putting yourself out there and spreading the word about your work can be extremely rewarding.
Self-promotion is often thought of as a dirty term and something that a lot of writers shy away from. However, it doesn’t always need to be about selling something and can really enrich your writing experience – even if you’ve never been published. In this episode, we look at some of the more rewarding kinds of self-promo for writers and see how building relationships can actually be the best kind of promotion for yourself and your writing.