Stimulate your imagination and discover the stories and poems within. Immerse yourself in the beautiful illustrations created specifically to enhance each piece of writing.

The theme of this issue is Curiosity, and our writers have tackled it head on. Whether it be the curiosity of a 2D dog that springs to life nonetheless, the grudging realisations of an eighteenth-century minister, a black inquisitiveness into mortal affliction or a rural small town where the place name speaks for itself, we delve inside the writers’ minds to discover what curiosity means to them.

What makes you more curious than an unopened package? Our cover artist, Guillermo Ortego, created something special for this issue and has somehow managed to include all our past covers in the illustration! The cover captures the story of our evolution from Issue 1’s very first hand-written envelope.

Firewords is the magazine of fiery fiction & poetry brought to life with visual flair.

  • Free worldwide shipping
  • 48 pages packed full of new writing and illustration from around the world
  • Absolutely no advertising
  • Independently produced with love
  • Printed on high-quality, uncoated paper for extra touchability

'We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.'
– Walt Disney

Firewords 10, your way

This edition comes in three flavours, so choose the one that's best for you!

The complete PAckage

  • Physical copy of Firewords 10*

  • Digital copy of Firewords 10

  • Audiobook recording of all the stories and poems

  • Q&A with the writers

  • Editors' commentary audio recording

  • Digital goodies – desktop and mobile wallpapers

  • See below for full details of what's in the complete package...

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The basic PAckage

  • Physical copy of Firewords 10*

  • Digital copy of Firewords 10

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Digital only

  • Digital copy of Firewords 10

Sale Price:£3.50 Original Price:£6.00
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What's in the Complete Package?

Physical copy of Firewords 10

A physical copy of the magazine shipped to you anywhere in the world

Digital copy of Firewords 10

A digital PDF version of the magazine available to download to your device

Audiobook recordings

High-quality audio recordings of each story and poem, to listen on the go

Editors' commentary

A special podcast where we discuss the whole issue and why we decided to publish each piece of writing

Q&A with contributors

Read interviews with some of our writers about their life and work

Digital goodies

Download wallpapers for your desktop and mobile that feature Firewords artwork

Hand-stamped bookmark

Your copy of Firewords is shipped with a hand-stamped bookmark

Exclusive member section

Your own login details to access all this premium content at any time

Firewords 10 Contributors:


ARTWORK BY Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo, Angela Cogo, Angela Hsieh, Berat Pekmezci, Chloe Elise Dennis, Erin McCluskey, Jacob Courtney, Jacob Myrick, Kathryn Brown, Mark Brown, Vita Sleigh, Weitong Mai, Xenia Latii

WRITING BY Angelica Lai, Beth Lincoln, Briel Felton, David Mohan, Elizabeth Smith, Emily James, Grace Safford, Holly Sykes, Kayla King, Louis Rakovich, Maria Saba, Mary Thompson, Michael Bloor, Nancy Jo Allen, Riva Riley, Scott Daughtridge DeMer, Sean Smith, Tyler Greening, Wm. Brett Hill