Like the long-awaited first rays of summer sun, our 'Summer' themed edition has arrived.
...and, if we do say so ourselves, it's a real literary and visual treat. The call for submissions for Issue 2 was hugely successful, in both quantity and quality. In fact, we have increased the page count from 32 to 48 to accommodate as much exceptional writing as possible. As well as having much more content, we have moved away from the newsprint of Issue 1 and embraced a perfect-bound, paperback format. This is to ensure the amazing writing and stunning artwork inside are shown to their full potential.

Print & Digital
Physical copy of Firewords 6
Digital copy of Firewords 6
Digital only
Digital copy of Firewords 6

Firewords is the magazine of fiery fiction & poetry brought to life with visual flair.
- Free worldwide shipping
- 48 pages packed full of new writing and illustration from around the world
- Absolutely no advertising
- Independently produced with love
- Printed on high-quality, uncoated paper for extra touchability
Firewords 2 Contributors:
ARTWORK BY Chad Geran, Daniel Duke, Ella Johnston, Maggie Appleton, Natalie Kenna, Terence Tang, Wouter ter Keurs
WRITING BY Alison Wassell, Andrew Patch, Anton Rose, C.C. Russell, Charlie Galbraith, C.M. Beckett, David Wiley, Elizabeth Stott, Ethan Chapman, Harley Staggars, Ian Shine, J.T. Harrell, Jack Westlake, Jason Graff, John Biggs, Malene Huse Eikrem, Mansour Chow, Michael Lynch, Mike Alexander, Peter Davison, Richard B. Knight, Richard Smyth, Roger Farnworth, Stephen Thom, Vaidehi Patil, Valentina Cano, Vicki Jarrett, Vicky Walker