Announcing our Pushcart Prize nominations
Last year, we just missed the nomination window for the Pushcart Prize and we were kicking ourselves for weeks! This year, we managed to submit our nominations just before the deadline.
In case you haven’t heard of the Pushcart Prize before, it celebrates the work published by small presses and independent magazines in the current year (so for us that means Issue 4 & 5) and prints the winners in a yearly anthology. We wanted to take part because it gives a few of our authors the chance for the acclaim and recognition we think they deserve.
Each publisher is permitted six nominations and we found it extremely challenging to narrow ours down, especially because we have the honour of publishing work of such a high standard. We tried to select a mixture of styles and favourites from different team members. So, without further ado, our nominations for the next Pushcart Prize are:
- Marie Peach-Geraghty – ‘The Pigeon Problem’ (Issue 4)
- Christopher Swiedler – ‘Orion, the Hunter’ (Issue 4)
- Damon King – ‘Eight Across’ (Issue 4)
- Robert Ford – ‘Heart-shaped’ (Issue 5)
- Die Booth – ‘Things the sea brings us’ (Issue 5)
- Sue Wilsea – ‘View from the Top’ (Issue 5)
Psst… If you want the chance to be published in our next issue and perhaps be nominated next year, our submissions open on Dec 17th!